Features: 12 different shades of grey in a set of 12 or individuAlly, Highly Pigmented, triple-milled Colors, Set Includes 12 x 21ml tubes, Individual acrylic Paint tubes sold in 75ml tubes, Very rich Color, great coverage & consistent Color
Perfect For: Painting shadows and greys, Mixing without making muddy Colors, Spending more time Painting than mixing for better results, Practicing your Painting, Never seen greys like these in any other art stores, and Using them to Paint the edges of a wrapped Canvas
Professional Quality Paint for the best value you can find; 12 Shades of Grey was Designed to be Unique and have the capability to create or compliment anything your artistic mind can think of
Available in a set or in individual tubes; Our set of 12 tubes are 21ml or 0.7oz Each while our single tubes are 75ml or 2.5oz
Variety of Colors include Blue Grey, Brown Grey, Cold Grey, Green Grey, Mid Grey, Orange Grey, Pale Grey, Payne's Grey, Red Grey, Violet Grey, Warm Grey, and Yellow Grey